Testimonials about our work.
Development economists have come up with powerful techniques to evaluate whether poverty-reduction programs work. But we lack comparable knowledge on how to scale up small interventions and experimental policies. This wonderful book provides development practitioners with a broad set of tools to scale up interventions in a dynamic, iterative fashion, generating new evidence about what works in the process.
Dani Rodrik
Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the Harvard Kennedy School
The world of development is littered with pilot projects supported by donor partners with a lot of goodwill. The issue becomes how to scale them up for impact. Based on practical examples and great insights, this excellent book by Isabel Guerrero tells you how. A must read for development practitioners seeking to make a difference!
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Director General, WTO
It is enormously gratifying to see this next step in professionalizing the work of taking effective solutions to scale. Isabel Guerrero’s book draws on the foundation many of us have worked for more than two decades and adds new insights and examples regarding the roles of grassroots organizations, the private sector, and social enterprises. In a world where practice lags behind rhetoric, the book makes an important contribution to closing that gap and provides practical guidance for everyone committed to ensuring that solutions match the scale of the problems they are intended to address.
Larry Cooley
President Emeritus of MSI
The development challenges of today need to be addressed at scale around the world. This book provides a framework and practical tools to plan for scale as well as lessons from tech-based companies that can be applied to governments and used by funders looking to scale-up. These technological platforms and tools applied to Digital Public Infrastructure at population scale in India are redefining the speed, reach and the scalability of innovations.
Nandan Nilekani
Co-founder & Chairman of Infosys and Founding Chairman of India’s Unique ID (Aadhaar)
Public programs to combat poverty are transformative only if they achieve sufficient scale. This wonderful book helps to understand how governments can scale-up and sustain their interventions to have a lasting and positive impact on the lives of the poor.
Santiago Levy
Architect of Progresa Oportunidades
Perhaps the single most important question in all of development is how to create enduring improvements in people’s lives, at the full scale of the problem. This book makes the rare and critical contribution of bringing together many of the core ingredients to answering this question in a single place, bridging disciplines and communities that too often have remained disparate, particularly: Systems Thinking, Scaling, Political Economy, Psychology and Behavioral Science, Community Empowerment, Public and Market Systems, Adaptive Evaluation, etc.
Abe Grindle

It has been a miracle to find IMAGO in order to view the future of our organization and our methodology with confidence.
Martin Burt
CEO, Fundación Paraguaya

There is a saying in Marathi that when the ear is pieced by the goldsmith it works best. Thank you IMAGO for piercing that ear.
Sanjiv Phansalkar
Program Leader, Tata Trust

IMAGO guided Solar Sister in developing our strategy, ensuring we listened to the women entrepreneurs at the heart of our work.
Katherine Lucey
Founder, Solar Sister

A uplifting, positive, engaging, energy oozing, self-reflecting experience. Each person, oldest in the crowd to the youngest, felt valued, and engaged. Each one of us thoroughly enjoyed what was one of the most intellectually stimulating and most interactive workshop environments we have ever experienced.
Ved Arya

The workshop we had with IMAGO kicked off a more structured way of scaling to mach our own aspirations.
Otto Scharmer
Founder, Presencing Institute

You skillfully led us through an incredibly meaningful and evocative journey together...[you] brought us together in ways that will deepen our relationships.
Deborah Riley
Director Emeritus, The Dance Place
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