Ideas & Insights

Featured Series.

Collections of curated interviews, reflections, and ideas on topics that matter in development.

Seminal Works.

Important ideas, intellectual contributions, and creative practices around poverty alleviation developed at Imago.

Workshops and Webinars.

A significant part of Imago’s work involves hosting and co-hosting webinars and workshops for organizations in the international development community. These webinars are based on a variety of topics, ranging from adaptive evaluations to organizational resilience, and feminine leadership.

Leaders on Scaling Up.

Imago’s Executive Director and Co-founder, Isabel Guerrero, sits down with prominent leaders in the international development community to discuss scaling up, as well as different projects they are working on within the sector.

Featured Interviews.

Imago interviews prominent people in the development world about their journey, ideas, seminal works, and significant contributions.

Feminine Leadership Dialogue Series.

Hosted by Imago for Lever for Change's Bold Solutions Network in 2021, this series features inspiring women leaders who share their stories and reflections on what feminine leadership means to them.

Ideas & Musings.

A repository of Imago's intellectual insights and ruminations grounded in our experience working in the development space.

Inspirations at Work.

Imago reaches out to eminent thought leaders whose ideas not only inspire our thinking but also frequently inform our work at Imago. The interviews delve into how these ideas came about, deep-dive into the idea itself and its many manifestations, and capture it from the voices of the individuals that nurtured and created it.

Conversations With Female Leaders.

Imago's sits down with women leaders of organizations across the world to discuss various issues for women in the poorer communities, especially given the pandemic.

Seminal Works from India.

Imago began working with the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) and has continued establishing connections with grassroots organizations working with rural women in India since. In this series, we showcase our work around state-society interaction in India in the context of women's participation, women's economic empowerment, and women-led collective enterprises.

Ideas, Evidence & Institutions.

Imago's Surili Sheth writes about topics important to Imago in a blog series that draws from a variety of articles, papers, podcasts, videos, books, movies etc. that informs our thinking.

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